
Fundy Cinema was established in Wolfville, Nova Scotia in December 2015 to carry on the work of the Fundy Film Society and offer high-quality independent, Canadian and foreign films to residents of the Annapolis Valley.

Fundy Cinema presents three seasons – Autumn, Winter and Spring/Summer – from September to June. Each season’s programme consists of two distinct series, Feature (F) and Documentary (D) and the occasional whimsical Wednesday (wW) and Special Presentation (S).

Fundy Cinema is a member of the Toronto International Film Festival Group’s Film Circuit

and gratefully acknowledges its support and its sponsoring organizations and business:

Fundy Cinema wishes to thank:

  • Susan Hauer and Bill Zimmerman, for all their work for the Fundy Film Society, their help in making the transition to Fundy Cinema happen and their continuing support to make it a success.
  • Ned Zimmerman, for designing this website.
  • Steven Slipp, for designing the Fundy Cinema logo.
  • All volunteers who help with daily operations.

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